Biographic sketch of Stephen William Hawking
One The childhood
It is said that,he could make a computer by some waste products in his childhood.
Stephen William Hawking which was born on January 8 1942 in Oxford of England.It just so happened that Galileo had been died for 300 years old.His father which graduated from Oxford University was a tropical disease scientist,while his mother which graduated from Oxford University studied the Philosophy,Political and Economic.In January 1942,Germany Army almost constantly bombed Lundon in England every night.This forced them leave highgate home for Oxford.After the borning of Hawking,they went back Lundon.In his childhood he was prominent in his study,but he liked to design complex toies.
斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),1942年1月8日出生于英国牛津,出生当天正好是伽利略逝世300年忌日。父亲法兰克是毕业于牛津大学的热带病专家,母亲伊莎贝尔1930年毕业于牛津研究哲学、政治和经济。1942年1月,纳粹德军几乎夜夜不停地轰炸英国伦敦。这迫使霍金一家搬离海格特的家园迁到牛津避难。他们在霍金诞生后又回到了伦敦。童年时的霍金学业成绩并不突出,但喜欢设计极为复杂的玩具。
Second: The Pace of growth
In 1959,Hawking, of 17 years old, went into National Technology in Oxford University.He won the Degree of first grade with a little time.Soon after he shifted to study cosmology in University of Cambridge.
In 1963,when he was 21 years old,he was unfortunitly diagnosised amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.The doctor told him only living for 2 years.But he staied strongly all the time.
In 1965,when was 23 years old,he got the Doctoral Degree.And he underwayed the study work in University of Cambridge.
In 1973,he inspected Quantum Effect nearby the Black Hole.He found that Black Hole emits radiation like the celestial body.The temperature of its is inversely proportional to Quanlity of Black Hole.This way the Black Hole becamed more little but the temperature become more higher.Finally the Black Hole reach the end because of boom.It is basic.It is the air Quantum Field Theory when it is curved uniting the relativity,Quantum Field Theory and Special Topics in Thermodynamics.After 1973,he changed direction of Quantum Graphityalthough.Although people couldnt found a successful theory,but some features were found.Such as space time is not inequality under planck scale lenths.But it was in pulverulence mode.Incomprehensibility is improved from Classical Statistsical Physics,Quantum Stastitics to the Third Floor of Quantum Gravity because of destructive casuality under the condition that Quantum Gravity is not pure.
1973年,他考察黑洞附近的量子效应,发现黑洞会像天体一样发出辐射,其辐射的温度和黑洞质量成反比,这样黑洞就会因为辐射而慢慢变小,而温度却越变越高,最后以爆炸而告终。黑洞辐射或霍金辐射(包括de Sitter空间中的霍金辐射)的发现具有极其基本的意义,它将广义相对论、量子场论和热力学统一在一起,其为弯曲时空中的量子场论。1973年以后,他的研究转向了量子引力论。虽然人们还没有得到一个成功的理论,但是它的一些特征已被发现。例如,空间-时间在普朗克尺度下不是平坦的,而是处于一种粉末的状态。在量子引力中不存在纯态,因果性受到破坏,因此使不可知性从经典统计物理学、量子统计物理提高到了量子引力的第三个层次。
After 1980,his interest Quantum converted into Cosmology Theory and proposed the noboundry condition of first impetus of Cosmology.In july 2004,he admitted that his adress about the Black Hole was false.
1984年,与助教Colin Williams在哈佛大学进行交谈
In 1985,he was thoroughly deprived of speaking ability because of Pneumonia in Tracheotomy.He only made the lectures by voice synthesizer.
In the same year,he firstly came to china and visited University of Science and Technology of China and BeiJing University.and he made a lecture about Celestial Theory in Water Lecture Hall in University of Science and Technology of China.
1985年,第一次来到中国,到中国科技大学和北京师范大学访问 。在科大水上讲演厅做天体物理的学术报告。
1988年,霍金的科普著作《时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞》发行,从研究黑洞出发,探索了宇宙的起源和归宿,该书被译成40余种文字,出版逾1000余万册,但因书中内容极其艰深,在西方被戏称为“读不来的畅销书”(Unread Bestseller),有学者曾指这种书之所以仍可以如此畅销,是因为书本尝试解答过去只有神学才能触及的题材:时间有没有开端,空间有没有边界。
In October 2001,another work
2001年10月,又一部作品《果壳中的宇宙》 (The Universe in a Nutshell)出版发行。 该书是《时间简史》的姐妹篇,以相对简化的手法及大量图解,诉说宇宙起源。
In 2002,he came to China for the Second time and made a popular science report about brane new world in BeiJing and HangZhou.He elaborated The M Theory of Celestial Evolution.
2002年,第二次来中国,在北京、杭州作主题为《膜的新奇世界》(Brane New World)科普报告,向公众阐释他的关于天体演化的“M理论”。
Hawking tried to communicate his thoughts with the world by common lecture.He visited Japan for twice in 1990s.
He pointed out people were curious about so many University Theories as a disabled persons.In fact,he acted albert himself playing a Bridge Game with Einstein and Newton in
霍金曾指,大众会好奇一位残障人士,为何会想到这么多宇宙论,令他成了大众媒体的宠儿。事实上,他在《星际迷航(Star Trek)》中的电视系列剧《星际迷航:下一代》中饰演过自己,与爱因斯坦及牛顿一起打桥牌;他亦曾在美国卡通片《辛普森一家》中“演出”,拯救剧中的女孩。其形象也在卡通片《飞出个未来》中的一集里出现。卡通片《居家男人》中则有与其类似的角色(Steve)对其进行了滑稽的模仿。
In 2006,he leaked out that he was writing a book which the title is theoritical physics not magic novels like
In June 2006,he came to china for the Third time.He made a lecture with the title of the Origin of Universe.It caused a sensation of the Nickname of Rockstar.On June 19 2006,he told about
On April 6 2009,he cancelled his visits due to illness.On april 20,he was sent to hospital tearment out of condition.
In January 2012,he possibly could not make a special computer voice because of Facial muscles Atrophy affecting on Presentation skills.
On April 6 2012,he participated in the Twenty-first episode of the Fifth season of The Big Bang Theory.
In 2012,he coverd with two golden fingerprints in the the Beijing Olympic torch Zhao xiaokai collected.He dedicated that “To ensure the long term survival of the human race,we need to disarm all nuclear warheads and promote world peace!”
In 2017,he made a documentary
Third Dead Man
He was died of 76 years old confirmed by his family in England at 3:46 on march 14 2018.